Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Best Part of an Otherwise Heartbreaking Episode OR Bullets Should Think

Would it have been too much for the bullet to move 3 inches to Kate's right?


  1. I was so happy she got shot... and so disappointed that she lived. Why did the creators let this useless character live so long? She was never important.

  2. Caroline, THIS was the highlight and most humorous part of the episode! AYEEEE!!! I cheered, and clapped, and did a little dance - because, hum, that's the furthest the writers will go to as far as precious Kate is concerned. But all bets are up: IS SHE FINALLY GOING TO DIE IN THE FINALE??? Yes, please, yes!!!

    Anonymous, welcome here in our little hatedom! :))) "Useless character", you got it right. A painful sight on our screen this hole season, just being there, doing nothing, stamping her unsympathetic and frumpy face in front of our eyes.

    And they killed yet another female character, and again the wrong one! Boooh!

  3. Welcome to Anonymous! Of course a baby napping, father killing, ping pong ball definitely deserves another go around. ;)

    I so hated this episode, but loved this one little part. I too screamed when she got shot and actually jumped off the couch and shook my fist at the tv when it was apparent she would survive. I must admit to watching this clip several times, cause I will not go back and watch the episode again til LOST is finally over. And I do take fiendish delight in this scenario.

  4. Caroline, we should have watched this episode together. I can imagine the crazy waltz we would have gotten ourselves into when she got shot. =D

    Why didn't you like the episode?

  5. Mostly, I don't like death and destruction of my Losties. I feel really badly for Jin and Sun, they seemed shortchanged. I liked Frank; it seemed like they shouldn't have bothered to bring him back this season just to kill him off. I figured Sayid would die, so that was okay.

    Secondly, I really hate the concerned doctor who just has to fix and understand a patient who has declined treatment. If a patient declines treatment, a doctor should present an intelligent case as to why the patient is making a mistake by declining treatment. But after that, give it up, a real, professional doctor would. It is SO unrealistic that a doctor would follow up on WHY a patient who he doesn't know from Dick, would decline treatment. It is stalkerish, and if I were Locke, I would tell Dr. Shepherd that I will call the police if he bothers me again. The care and concern is so melodramatic, contrived, bogus, just plain stupid and over the top unrealistic. But this is more for the Jack Hate blog, and he is so not worth the effort. Eww...


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