Saturday, April 3, 2010

THE WHOLE TRUTH (about why I hate Kate)

This is by no means, an exhaustive list of reasons why I hate canned spinach boiled in cod liver oil, in other words, Kate. As the reader will see, I have truly tried to forgive and move on. But the dark side beckoned too strongly, and I succumbed. Seeing as LOST has inspired this somewhat diabolical loathing, each reason has been labeled with a LOST title.

The Beginning of the End
A fond nostalgia sweeps over me whenever I rewatch season one and two of LOST. Those were the good old days when I could still watch Kate Austen and smile simultaneously. Early season three found her in the polar bear cages with my favorite sexy, southern con man. As much as I hate to admit it, they did have a certain chemistry.

Born to Run
About four days after seemingly making a commitment, not running, but staying in the cages and having sex with Sawyer, Kate decided it was now necessary to run after Jack. Not to mention, Jack specifically told Kate not to come back for him. Kate obviously has trouble committing and/or focusing, whatever. When she returned to the beach camp, Sawyer was happy to see her, I was pleased for Sawyer and forgave Kate.

Tabula Rasa
Two days after returning to the beach camp, Kate was using Sawyer for physical and emotional comfort because she was feeling rejected by Jack and jealous of Juliet. One conversation and two ping pong games with Jack is all it took for Sawyer to figure out what Kate was doing. For whatever reason, Sawyer forgave her again and she still seemed to make Sawyer happy. Indecision plagued me, but if Sawyer forgave her again and offered her his unconditional love, I could give her a clean slate.

Hearts and Minds
Kate rejects Sawyer’s offer to live together. OMG! Stupid, stupid girl. Need I comment more?

Catch 22
Kate told Sawyer she didn’t trust him. Hours later, she proceeded to use him again for a con. Now, Sawyer is a big boy and he continued to put up with this behavior from Kate. All I could do was sit back, and hope he’d open his eyes soon. I must admit, I was reminded of the saying, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

Maternity Leave
Sawyer and Kate have a pregnancy scare. Kate slaps Sawyer cause he is happy Kate isn’t pregnant on an Island where a pregnancy can kill you. Not to mention, why would Kate want to be pregnant by a man she doesn’t trust (her words) or want to commit to?

Raised By Another
Kate ends up with Claire’s baby, Aaron, great surprise twist to the end of an episode, terrible choice by Kate. How can an adult take it upon herself to make a life altering decision for a child one isn’t related to and has ended up with through happenstance? Isn’t that called kidnapping or abduction? I can understand taking Aaron off Island, events were chaotic and Claire disappeared. Keeping Aaron to raise as her own, knowing Claire’s mother was grieving the loss of her daughter is what I find morally reprehensible. What a beautiful gift Kate could have given to Carole Littleton, a vibrant, beautiful living piece of her “dead” daughter. Instead, Kate chose to keep Aaron. Then we find out a season later, Kate makes the wrong choice because she was using Aaron to fix her heart, supposedly broken by Sawyer. A broken heart that the audience never saw once on screen. Sawyer’s baby mama had to retcon this information to Kate as well as most of the LOST audience. And almost 3 years and a path of emotional destruction left in Kate’s wake, she finally makes the correct choice and gives Aaron to Claire’s mother. Too little, too late. Kate is dead to me.


  1. Amen, sistah! Bravo! Can I print this post, stick it on the wall and throw darts at it? If I promise not to ever hit Sawyer's name and picture? :D

    Your reasons to love he so much are pretty much the same as mine. Inconsistent behavior, acute selfishness and sporadic mistreatment of a person that truly loves her. It appears that my resentment vat might be "a tad" wider and "somewhat" deeper, though. Maybe we should compare notes while dancing an exhilarating twist over her picture with muddied army boots as dancing shoes. ^-^

  2. I've got my army boots on, a big puddle in my backyard, and am ready any time you are. We can do it to a Patsy Cline song, your choice. It would be very cathartic.

    And to make it worse, all I am getting from this season, is that Kate is upset Sawyer moved on with Juliet, and Claire isn't normal and waiting to be rescued and reunited with Aaron by the all benevolent and wise Kate. TPTB are almost making it too easy. At this rate, we will have material to rehash well into 2011.

  3. (yay I'm finally logged in! grr...)
    I'd love to join in that dance if ya don't mind me borrowing Marine boots :D
    What I've taken from this, I already knew...You are strong with your emotions, but they don't let you think irrationally. You hate her for many of the same reasons I do when it comes down to it, but your explanations differ on almost all of them, yours coming to how she and others do/don't or should/shouldn't feel, mine mostly coming down to her not thinking things through. Both of which spell disaster in any normal person's life, so why has it taken this long for disaster to actually strike her? (forgotten lover, unneeded kidnapper, i mean 'mother', and targeted for death-not just by us but by crazy claire!) Eh, I guess you can consider all that time she spent in LA with Jack disaster hahaha, couldn't help myself.
    Love the post, can't wait for the party, and enjoying our kate-less time onscreen :)

  4. Any boots will do! We are equal opportunity mud dancing with boots bloggers (or should I say, cloggers) here.

    How long do you think the Kateless episodes can last? Unfortunately, the episodes are Sawyerless and Benless too. :(

    Maybe it just comes down to the problem with Kate is there is nothing about her character that you can relate to as a somewhat emotionally healthy and functional human being. I've said this before, I don't want to have to take advanced courses in Abnormal Psychology to be able to understand a main character on a tv show.


Your input is welcome. Please do help keeping the interactions on a courteous level.